May 2020

In quo meis probatus perpetua. Has epicuri percipit comprehensam et. Ad iusto ludus has, omnium copiosae pertinax nec ut. Usu at suas lucilius abhorreant, audire viderer vituperatoribus no nec. Nam ullum commodo ne. Sed suas legere ad, nominati salutatus molestiae...

Featured Member Artists: Colleen Beyer and Wesley Stewart It was a pleasure to exit my quarantine existence last Friday to meet with Colleen Beyer and Wesley Stewart to learn about their Public Art practice.  Of course, Rhian Swain with RedWolf joined...

I was thankful to be included in the work of the 1970 Augusta Riot Observance Steering Committee for almost two years. The historians and researchers in the group performed the heart of the work, but all were welcome to contribute whatever...

A new Artist Emergency Relief Fund was initiated by representatives of a special consortium of local arts non-profits, who met to discuss the impact of Covid-19 and its negative effect upon local Gig-Artists, contracted, or self-employed artists of all disciplines...

In quo meis probatus perpetua. Has epicuri percipit comprehensam et. Ad iusto ludus has, omnium copiosae pertinax nec ut. Usu at suas lucilius abhorreant, audire viderer vituperatoribus no nec. Nam ullum commodo ne. Sed suas legere ad, nominati salutatus molestiae...

In quo meis probatus perpetua. Has epicuri percipit comprehensam et. Ad iusto ludus has, omnium copiosae pertinax nec ut. Usu at suas lucilius abhorreant, audire viderer vituperatoribus no nec. Nam ullum commodo ne. Sed suas legere ad, nominati salutatus molestiae...

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