Author: Scott Giboney

Via - "The City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA) Public Art Services seeks proposals from local professional photographers to be installed in 30 kiosks throughout downtown Atlanta. The photographs should serve as a single body of...

Via Enopion Theater - "Audition Time at ENOPION For our Christmas Dinner Show! Come and be a part of telling the Greatest Story of All--- The Story of Jesus’ Birth! Audition appointments are being scheduled now and the first date is August...

Via Jessye Norman School of the Arts Facebook -  "The Jessye Norman School is a free children's after school program and emerging community arts center. Our scope of services and our offering of classes are growing almost daily. We already employ...

Via The Augusta Chorale- "The Augusta Chorale commences its 35th performance season and is seeking new or returning members to continue its legacy to ‘Celebrate the Beauty of Song.’ Auditions for all voice parts are by appointment only and will take...

The Georgia Arts Education Association being held October 19-21 seeks arts vendors to host booths at their Arts Market. via - "Our educators would love to see your products and hear about your programs. If you are interested in participating...

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