Across My Desk with Brenda Durant
January 2024

Written by: Brenda Durant
January 2024
Leslie Hamrick, Mel Cearley and Brenda Durant at CANDL Fine Art Gallery for a Private View December 2023
Leslie Hamrick, Mel Cearley and Brenda Durant at CANDL Fine Art Gallery for a Private View December 2023

I love new beginnings. I love a clean blackboard, a new whiteboard, and a fresh sheet of notebook paper.


The start of the year is my favorite time. I am optimistic and I choose Joy. I love reading how my friends and family conceive the coming year—with thanks, high expectations, blessings and hope.  This year, I promised myself I will walk forward ignoring the people who choose to ‘go to the negative’ daily.  I have a gym buddy, we took some time off during the holiday but, today we were back in the groove at 6 am.  Onward, in the positive.


I don’t think people change that much as adults.  This year I will accept my perceived shortcomings of business associates with ‘my shoulders back with a wiggle’… after all, they probably wish I would change as well!

This year, I’m full of gratitude that I have a great team at work. We plan and execute the year with weekly meetings, daily check-ins, and much laughing and acceptance.  Work is good, and I’m grateful.


This year I have set my sights on a stellar Arts in the Heart as we move off Broad Street for the TIA construction projects.  We will be announcing the new location later this month.  Stay tuned.  The WetPaint Party and Art Sale is back at Sacred Heart Cultural Center with a new day, new lead decorator,  new theme based on OZ, and a new drink designed around lollipops and lemon drops. Please plan to come Over the Rainbow with us on Friday March 8th. WetPaint is a great way to celebrate our local artists and purchase local art at great prices.


If you are a person who makes resolutions, let me suggest a few:

  • Buy local art: Do not buy art from a department store or chain store.
  • Support local artists: go to gallery shows, support local music, buy a book by a local writer.
  • Try something new: You may not have loved Jazz, dancing, or bluegrass in 7th grade, but have you tried it again?
  • Take a class: Augusta offers lots of options, including pottery, watercolor, dance or music. Lean in to what you always wanted to do.


Check out our website for our arts calendar, gallery show schedule, and class options.


Happy New Year. Onward!

