Auditions for “The Cure” | Enopian Theatre Company

Auditions for “The Cure” | Enopian Theatre Company

Audition to be a part of the first production in the NEW Enopian Theatre!

Looking for actors Ages 16 and up to participate in this Dining Theatre Experience.

  • Prepare a one-minute monologue. You may choose one of ours below or prepare your own.
  • Sides will also be given for a cold read.
  • Each actor must also sing a song- with accompaniment or acapella.

Rehearsals begin November 7th.

The Cure

The place; a small rural town called Jeru-Salem, where the people are a hardworking, God-fearin’ folk. Many are farmers who believe in working the land to reap what they sow. Joe and Mary Carpenter have fallen into the slow cadence of life in this small town and are raising up two boys, Joshua and James. But Mary has found herself “in the family way” again. This time she is praying for a girl. You’ll meet the other town folk as they gather for prayer meetings, sing those old Gospel songs of days gone by, visit with neighbors and go about their day.

But something is about to change in this little town… a sickness that sweeps across the globe wiping out town after town and now it has hit this little community of Jeru-Salem. There is only one hope, one solution that can save them – The Cure.

Follow the link below for more details:

Audition – Enopion Theater Company