Call for Artists: Westobou Call for Artist in Residence

Call for Artists: Westobou Call for Artist in Residence

VIA Westobou Gallery: The Westobou Artist in Residence program was created to build on the momentum, reputation
and excitement of Westobou Gallery’s annual Augusta-based artist exhibition. The program will provide career building opportunities for artists to expand their development, research, build relationships and master their craft.

The Westobou Artist in Residence program awards free studio space to 1 emerging or mid-career Augusta-based visual artist for 1 year (Jan-Dec 2021) at the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art (GHIA). The program provides a $2,000 stipend for research, tools and supplies to build a body of work for an exhibition at Westobou Gallery in the beginning of 2022. In collaboration with the GHIA, the artist-in-residence will teach a year-long workshop series to community members. In addition to the stipend for creating work, the artist will be compensated up to $2,000 for teaching a workshop. Submissions are due on November 30, 2020 and the selected artist will be notified in December 2020.

Location: Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art (GHIA), Augusta, GA
Residency Dates: January -December 2021

Deadline to Apply: November 30, 2020

Designed as a contemporary venue for a wide variety of exhibitions both during the Westobou Festival and throughout the year, Westobou Gallery offers curated exhibitions by national, regional and local artists with a focus on emerging and mid-career contemporary and experimental artists.

1. A brief description of why you would like to have a year-long residency.
2. A proposal of your intended or potential work you would like to create during the
3. Artist bio and CV.
4. 5–10 images of your work.
5. Two references.

All emerging, experimental and mid-career contemporary artists working in all areas of visual arts and living in the Augusta area (CSRA) are eligible to apply. The program provides studio space but will not provide housing.


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