Call For Artists: Folk & Traditional Arts Master Artist Fellowships

Call For Artists: Folk & Traditional Arts Master Artist Fellowships

Via South Arts: South Arts is pleased to announce the 2020 In These Mountains: Folk & Traditional Arts Master Artist Fellowships opportunity. These fellowship awards recognize master folk and traditional artists from Appalachian Regional Commission counties in Kentucky, North Carolina and Tennessee who have demonstrated long-term practice and expertise of their art form or cultural practice. A master artist is an individual who possesses exemplary knowledge and skill and is recognized by their cultural community for their contributions.

The 2020 Folk & Traditional Arts Master Artist Fellowship will provide $9,000 awards (with restrictions) to individual folk and traditional artists to support their continued training, research and/or learning opportunities. Three fellowships will be awarded to traditional master artists from each state (eligible counties in Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee) for a total of nine awards.

Applicants for the Master Artist Fellowships must fulfill the following requirements:

Be an individual folk or traditional artist.
Be at least 18 years of age.
Be a United States citizen, lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence, or have permission from the Department of Homeland Security to work permanently in the U.S.
Have been a resident in a Kentucky, North Carolina, or Tennessee ARC (Appalachian Regional Commission) county for a period of at least two years immediately before the application deadline.
Cannot be a full-time high school or undergraduate student.
Expect to maintain residency in their current state of residence during the Fellowship award year.
Submit a complete and accurate application.

Contact us at either [email protected] or 404.874.7244 x14 with any questions about this program or how to complete your application.


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