Call For Artists: The Literary Arts Touring Grant Program

Call For Artists: The Literary Arts Touring Grant Program

Via South Arts: The Literary Arts Touring grant program offers presenting organizations the opportunity to receive financial support to engage Southern writers (fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry) who reside outside of the presenter’s state. Support is awarded to literary projects that contain both a public reading and an educational component such as a writing workshop. The project can include a single engagement by a writer or multiple writers involved in an event (for example, writers series or festivals). The maximum request is 50% of the writers’ fees, up to a total grant of $2,500. Each writer is required to fully participate in the reading and educational/outreach component.

Projects must take place between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

Literary Arts Touring applications must be submitted online by Friday, May 1, 2020 by 11:59 PM ET.

New applicants are encouraged to contact Nikki Estes at 404-874-7244 ext. 16 to discuss eligibility prior to submitting an application.

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