The Greater Augusta Arts Council continues work on the Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 (AEP5) study, a national project by Americans for the Arts, to determine the impact of arts-related spending in the Greater Augusta Area. Since beginning the survey project in January 2016, the Arts Council has surveyed over 1300 attendees at over 60 arts events in both Columbia and Richmond County, and surveys will?conclude at the end of the year.
Pax Bobrow, Project Manager with the Greater Augusta Arts Council, has worked closely with community members and arts organizations to complete the AEP5 study in the Greater Augusta Area. ?A local arts or cultural event not only brings fun and connectedness to people in our community,? she said, ?It gives us a great way to support our local economy. The Arts are a major engine for economic growth in our community and this is what we have been measuring all year long.?
The Greater Augusta Arts Council will receive the results of the surveys on June 17, 2017, which will quantify the economic impact of the arts in Augusta. In previous economic studies of the arts, this impact was significant. AEP IV, the last national arts & economic impact survey project to be completed on a national level, showed substantial results, which were released in a statement by Americans for the Arts:
?The nonprofit arts & culture industry generated $135.2 billion dollars of economic activity ? $61.1 billion in spending by nonprofit arts and culture organizations, plus an additional $74.1 billion in spending by their audiences. This economic activity had a significant impact on the nation?s economy, supporting 4.1 million full-time equivalent jobs and generating $22.3 billion in revenue to local, state and federal governments.? (1)
Volunteers are still needed to help the Arts Council complete surveys at events. Volunteers ask event attendees to fill out short, anonymous surveys before the event and are able to attend the events for free. Interested volunteers should contact Pax Bobrow at [email protected]. Event organizers are encouraged to contact the Greater Augusta Arts Council to be included in the surveys, as well.
(1)Americans for the Arts. (2012). America?s Nonprofit Arts Industry Generates $135.2 Billion in Economic Activity and Supports 41. Million Jobs According to Americans for the Arts? Arts & Economic Prosperity IV Study [Press Release]. Retrieved from http://www.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/pdf/information_services/research/services/economic_impact/aepiv/aep_iv_release.pdf
Greater Augusta Arts Council :: PO Box 1776 :: Augusta, GA 30903
The mission of the Greater Augusta Arts Council is to enrich the quality of life for?citizens and visitors of Augusta and the CSRA by advancing a vibrant cultural arts agenda.