Artzilla Making Moves in 2024

Written by: Heather Dunaway & Tiphiknee De Herrera with the Artzilla Crew
January 2024
Group of artists posting together in front of their artwork.
The Artzilla Crew at the 2023 Arts in the Heart of Augusta Festival
UL to UR: PASC, Katie Scarborough, Jacki Mayo Van Dyke, Brian Stewart.
LL to LR: AC Daniel, Alex Foltz, Tiphiknee De Herrera, Lexi Kay White, Blaine Prescott, and Carrie Brooks

Artzilla is a collective of artists local to Augusta, GA that dabble in various forms of visual creation, with several traditional painters, graphic artists, illustrators, mixed media artists, and more. What began as a small live painting group that gathered during the Arts in the Heart of Augusta Festival has blossomed into a monthly meet up to create amazing work publicly.


Beginning in 2006, Artzilla (initially known as ART45) was created to give local artists the opportunity to live paint together around Augusta, GA during Arts in the Heart of Augusta. Over the last 18 years, artists involved have included Blaine Prescott, Jacki Mayo Van Dyke, Alex Foltz, Katie Scarborough, Ashton Maya, Jacob Boland, Deb Estep, Heather René Dunaway, Lexi Kay White, AC Daniel, Tiphiknee De Herrera, and many more. In the past, Artzilla has been sponsored by local businesses such as The Book Tavern, Metro Spirit, and Weir/Stewart where they would gather to paint. Eventually, they moved onto the festival map, and in 2023 back to the center of the festival by the Global Stage. During the three days of Arts in the Heart they create in front of an audience of more than 100,000 festival goers. After which they host a reception and invite arts lovers to bid on their works in the Artzilla Auction.

After the close of the festival in 2023, Artzilla decided to meet up monthly and paint live in various locations and businesses, including ANBU Art Collective and most recently Fifth and Finch. Brushstroke by brushstroke, the live painters push themselves to be vulnerable through the messy process. This gives the onlookers an opportunity to get a “peak behind the curtain,” and witness the entire creation process from blank canvas, to finished a masterpiece.


Their next event is the Artzilla Live Painting Party and Art Sale on First Friday, February 2, from 7-10pm. This event will be held at ANBU Art Co. located at 850 Broad Street in Downtown Augusta, GA. This month’s event will feature live creating, a local art display, hors devours, and will also feature a community art panel for anyone to add their own splash of color to.