Author: Scott Giboney

Via the Augusta Chorale - " “Voice Auditions with the Augusta Chorale” Monday, January 8, 2018 @ 6-7pm   Audition Venue: Paine College, Augusta GA   Currently, in its 35th performance season the Augusta Chorale  welcomes new or returning members to continue its legacy to ‘Celebrate...

Entertain for the holidays with the Augusta Arts Calendar! Holiday Museum Hours. And, an important note from Americans for the Arts on the value of artists in our community...

Via Matador Review - "Alternative art and literature magazine The Matador Review is now accepting submissions for the Spring 2018 publication. We publish poetry, fiction, flash fiction, and creative non-fiction, inviting all unpublished literature written in the English language (and translations that are...

via: - " The Atlanta Fringe Festival is dedicated to connecting adventurous artists with appreciative audiences for the betterment of the Atlanta arts community. Through special events and the festival itself, Atlanta Fringe provides many opportunities for artists and audiences...

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