Call for Artists: The Sunny Art Prize

Call for Artists: The Sunny Art Prize

Prize: A total cash fund of £6,000 ($7339.74) plus a month-long art residency in China, and a solo exhibition in London.
Entry Fee: £25 ($30.58 ) for one artwork, up to £45 ($55.05) for four artworks.
Requirements: Open to artists worldwide age 18 and over.

Closing Date: June 30, 2021

One of the most inclusive and diverse art competitions in the UK, the Sunny Art Prize offers unique exposure for both emerging and established artists. Winners will be granted an opportunity to have their work shown in an exhibition in London, and develop their work during a month-long residency in China. A £6,000 (approximately $7,600) total cash prize will be split between the first three winning artists.

The art contest accepts entries in a diverse range of media including painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramic art, printmaking, installation art, mixed media, video art, and photography.

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