VPN Casting Call for SistAhood

VPN Casting Call for SistAhood

Via Karlton Clay Facebook – #SistAhood #CastingCall posted March 15, 2019

Please email headshot and resume to [email protected] with the character(s) you are submitting for in the subject head. If you do not have a resume or professional headshot (which means this would be your first project), please still send a clear photo (no club or bathroom mirror photos please). Roles are non paid but will receive IMDB credit. Filming will take place in Augusta, GA.

Khloe Elledge – African-American actress; aged early to late 20s; best friend of Jaslynn Dixon; carefree and bubbly; loves the idea of falling in love and being a wife; loyal to those she loves

Rico Lyles – African-American actor; aged mid 20s-early 30s; husband of Dawn Lyles; emotionally and mentally abusive; angry demeanor; loud and rude; uses his stature to overpower his wife

Jake Nathanson – any ethnicity actor; aged mid 20s-early 30s; owner of the coffee house that the ladies visit; has a crush on Amelia Brooks; kind-hearted and loving; always cares about his customers and treats everyone with the utmost respect

Elder Cedric Brooks – African-American actor; aged mid 20s-mid 30s; husband of Amelia Brooks and brother of Frank Brooks; senior elder at the church; hardworking and ambitious; his ambition causes him to neglect his wife which causes problems in the home

Aaliyah Robinson – any ethnicity actress; aged early 20s-late 40s; office manager for Dr. Mya Prescott; opinionated and carefree; always has the backs of the ones she cares about especially Dr. Prescott

Chris The Engineer – African-American actor; aged early to late 20s; friend of and engineer for Jaslynn Dixon; creative and driven; enjoys making music and enjoys even more working with Jaslynn as he has deep feelings fore her

Tre Hitz – African-American actor; aged mid 20s-late 30s; pompous and arrogant; famous producer who uses his fame and fortune to try to get what he wants especially with women

James – any ethnicity actor; aged late 20s-late 30s; patient of Dr. Mya Prescott

Stacy – any ethnicity actress; aged late 20s-late 30s; patient of Dr. Mya Prescott

Paul – any ethnicity actor; aged late 20s-late 30s; “play thing” for Jordyn Dixon; he is being used for sex; must be comfortable with intimate scenes with little to no clothing

Patient – any ethnicity actor/actress; aged late 20s-late 30s; patient of Dr. Mya Prescott

News Photographer – any ethnicity actor; aged late 20s-late 30s; operates the camera for news station; works with Layla Michelle

Server – any ethnicity actor/actress; aged early to late 20s; worker at coffee house
