17 Jul Arts Council to Host Public Art Artist Forum August 8
Augusta, GA – Arts Council to Host Public Art Artist Forum August 8
The Greater Augusta Arts Council will host a community input session on public art Tuesday, August 8, for local Augusta artists to share their thoughts on future public art projects and community involvement. The forum will take place in the Linda Beazley Conference room at the Augusta Richmond County Municipal Building, 5:30-7, with a networking reception to follow.
Will Hatcher, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director of the Master of Public Administration Program at Augusta University will facilitate the forum. The Arts Council has partnered with the Public Administration Program in order to conduct neighborhood interviews, meetings, and surveys that will gather the community’s ideas on what public art projects they want to see in their areas of town. The August 8 Public Art Artist Forum will be the first of these sessions.
Though all are welcome to attend, the Arts Council chose to focus their first public forum on local artists. This focus was chosen because the Arts Council believes that artists are in a unique position to engage their neighborhoods and communities in the planning process for public art. At the forum, there will be a City of Augusta neighborhood map for artists to view their area’s designation, and volunteers will be identified for representing an artistic point of view in the planning process of future work. Suggestions of locations and themes will be gathered from those in attendance on August 8, as well.
The Arts Council recognizes that the input of artists is an important part of planning public art. Pax Bobrow, Project Manager for the Greater Augusta Arts Council, stated, “We are very excited to see how local artists’ visions for public spaces can help our city’s communities thrive.”
The Public Art Master Plan for the City of Augusta and surrounding areas was finalized and approved by the Augusta Richmond County Commission in May 2017. Written by Convention Sports and Leisure International, Inc., the text of the full plan can be found online at www.augustaarts.com/art-in-augusta/public-art.
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