04 Sep Meet Zoe – AITH 2024 Intern
Hi everyone, my name is Zoe! I am currently a senior graphic design student at Augusta University. I am super excited to be working with the Arts in the Heart of Augusta Festival’s Young Artist Market this Fall. A little about me; I am the second oldest of six children and come from a really big military family. Before moving to the South my mom was born in Belgium and my dad was born in New York. They met when they both joined the Army. One of my favorite pastimes is listening to the crazy stories they have from deployments and learning more about their experience.
I was born and raised in Augusta, GA before moving to Savannah to begin my studies in Art Education at Georgia Southern University. I really fell in love with teaching and mentoring young artists there. As a kid, I was always drawn to the arts so being able to work with other young artists on their journey is really rewarding! Although drawing and painting have always been my passion, when I was ten years old, I started to play the violin and discovered that music was my escape! So really, music and visual art are a big driver in my life. Sharing that with others, especially younger kids, is an incredible experience.
My family and I have gone to the Arts in the Heart of Augusta Festival every year for as long as I can remember! My Mom’s side of the family is from the Netherlands and my Dad’s side is from Puerto Rico so we love to go to the different food booths in the Global Village and experience each other’s culture. Most of my time spent at the festival is filled with taste tests and competitions to pick the best item on the menu, but there is so much more to love about Arts in the Heart. I’m excited to experience all that the festival has to offer!
When I read about the internship here at the Greater Augusta Arts Council for the Arts in the Heart of Augusta Festival, I not only connected with the role I would have in the YAM, but I was also really excited to create connections and relationships around Augusta’s River Region. For four years I’ve been in a classroom setting learning about art, design and education, but I lacked the experience of going out and connecting with the larger arts community. I’m looking forward to learning more about the Arts Council and getting to make connections with fellow arts lovers this Fall!