Author: Scott Giboney

Ribbon Cutting - Harrisburg Portal: Friday, March 13 @ 10am The Greater Augusta Arts Council and Augusta, Georgia are hosting a ribbon cutting to celebrate the installation of a new sculpture, Harrisburg Portal by Larry Millard, at A.L. Williams Park on...

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[cherry_row type="full-width" bg_type="none" bg_position="center" bg_repeat="no-repeat" bg_attachment="scroll" bg_size="auto" parallax_speed="1.5" parallax_invert="no" min_height="300" speed="1.5" invert="no"] [cherry_col size_md="12" size_xs="none" size_sm="none" size_lg="none" offset_xs="none" offset_sm="none" offset_md="none" offset_lg="none" pull_xs="none" pull_sm="none" pull_md="none" pull_lg="none" push_xs="none" push_sm="none" push_md="none" push_lg="none" collapse="no" bg_type="none" bg_position="center" bg_repeat="no-repeat" bg_attachment="scroll" bg_size="auto"] [/cherry_col] [/cherry_row] [cherry_row] [cherry_col size_md="12"] Mardi Gras Carnevale on the Common...

[cherry_row] [cherry_col size_md="12"] Update: The James Brown Mural Call for Art The call for mural proposals closed on Monday, January 13. We received 39 applications, which are being reviewed for completeness. Once ineligible applications have been removed from the pool, scoring will begin. The response...

Mural Progress at 13th St. Pocket Park; Sculpture Finalists Presentation August 27; Arts in the Heart Badges on sale online...

The City of Augusta, is commissioning the creation of three large-scale sculptures at three gateways to the City. The two finalists in the competitive call for artists for this Gateway Sculpture Project will present their concepts to the public...

The first phase of a new public art project, The Golden Blocks Project was installed in Augusta’s Laney-Walker historic district Wednesday. The project is a collaboration by the City of Augusta Housing and Community Development, The Lucy Craft Laney...

The Greater Augusta Arts Council announces a call for public art proposals for McBean Park, located in Hephzibah, GA. The community that utilizes the park is seeking for artists to create one to three (1-3) engaging and whimsical chess tables,...

Tripp Bowden Author of "Freddie & Me" and most recently "The Caddy's Cookbook: Remembering Favorite Recipes from the Caddy House to the Clubhouse for Augusta National Golf Club", was the guest on the July 13 edition of the Arts Weekly...

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